News Site Updates & News Concerning Projects by M. W. Anderson |
3/15/04 - MicroSHOCKS Update:
MicroSHOCKS has been picked up by Scrybe Press! While many details have yet to be worked out, the completed manuscript will run about 50,000 words, and the pay rate will be $.01/word. I have retained all original submissions, so I'll be contacting authors who submitted their tales last year. PLEASE DO NOT QUERY about your story--if your work is selected, I'll contact you to see if it is still available. If need be, I'll reopen for submissions--but it's impossible to tell just yet. Hang in there, and watch this space for more information.
3/11/04 - returns:
During several months of downtime I've rebuilt the site from scratch. This is at least an improvement in regards to content, if not site design. While the fiction section is rather small, both the poetry and art sections have been expanded. It is my hope that this simplistic version will inspire me to keep the site current, should there be any news to report or content to add.